March is here. Can you believe it? Yet again I find myself noticing how quickly time is flying by. As I study my calendar for March, it is packed – Lent and Easter, family visiting from out of town, a friend getting married – non-stop action from start to finish. So, once again another month will fly by.
During a conversation with someone over lunch the other day, we both noticed how quickly time does go by, especially as we get older. As children the days seemed to drag on, didn’t they? We couldn’t wait for school to be over so that we could get home to play with friends and/or toys. When I was in high school, although I liked school, I couldn’t wait for the educational hours to wrap up so that I could get to sports practice. But then we grow up…and have children…and we beg time to slow down. We want to spend every moment we can basking in the magnificence that they are. We don’t want to miss a single thing and have this Peter Pan-like hope that they won’t grow up. But they do, and they move on with life – off to college and/or career. Off to engagements and marriages. Off to have children of their own, making us grandparents – and now time just seems to go into double-time, doesn’t it? Next thing we know they’re grown, too…and we’ve gotten even older.
I’m sure all of us at some time or another have hoped we could experience what Joshua did one day on the battlefield – “The sun stopped in midheaven and did not hurry to set for about a whole day” (Joshua 10:13, NRSV). Joshua got a little extra time. The sun did not set, the next day did not hurry to come. He got a little more time to do what he needed to do for himself, his family, his army, his people. The Lord headed his voice and for the one and only time in recorded history, time stood still.
You hear that – the only and only time. It never happened before and will never happen again. For everyone else, well, we just have to keep moving on, watching the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years tick right on by. So, shouldn’t we make the most of every one of them? Shouldn’t we not waste a single second, let alone minute, hour, day, week, month, or year? They are going to keep right on passing by. We won’t get a single one of them back. So, what can you do today to ensure that each one is precious – for you, for your loved ones, for your church, and for God?
Always pondering,
Pastor Steve