Pastor’s ponderings

What is the church?  For many it is a place of worship, a place where God’s people gather for Sunday morning services, weekly Bible studies, weddings, funerals, and great banquet-like fellowship meals.  It is a place where we can gather with others to listen and learn, hopefully giving us some guidance to get through the week until we can once again gather together and do it all over again.  In reality, that’s a pretty fair assessment, isn’t it?  After all, when we look at Acts 2:42, we get a similar feel – “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

            Yet, what about that treasured hymn – “We are the Church” (UMH #558) – “The church is not a building…the church is a people” (v. 1). The church is us, the people of God doing what God has called us to do.  Acts 2 continues on in saying that “Awe came upon everyone…wonders and signs were being done…all who believed were together and had all things in common…they spent much time together…praising God and having the goodwill of all the people” (selected portions of 2:43-47).  You see, in those days, church was all about relationships, not the religion that we have turned it into.  It wasn’t an institution, but the loving response of God’s people working and living alongside one another, extending the love and grace of God outward into the community.  Today’s church can sometimes be far removed from what the Church was intended to be.  How can we get it back on track? 

One of the things we often forget is that God has given the Church everything it needs to be successful, including you!  The gathered Body of Christ has a multitude of spiritual gifts, that, when assembled, can do the seemingly impossible!  Remember that passage from Acts 2:43-47?  It also notes that with all the things the people had, they would “distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need” (2:45).  They ensured that everyone in the community was cared for, not holding anything back.  How are you holding back the gift that God has given to you for use in Kingdom living?

The world today is crying out in need, and it is well beyond time for the Body of Christ to do something about it.  Opportunities abound.  Where can we be the Church today?

                                                            Always pondering,

                                                            Pastor Steve

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