As we begin to wrap up our Fall Sermon Series on being “Forged in Fire,” I have been pondering the difference that it may have made in our churches and our collective discipleship – How committed are we to being God’s instruments doing Kingdom work? As these weeks have progressed a couple of people have come up to me noting how God told them that they can no longer hold back, that they could no longer ride the fence between the world and what God was calling them to. In hearing God’s messages for us, how God is always at work in the world around us and through us, they felt compelled to do what the Spirit had been guiding them to all along – not just more church activities, but true ministry for God. They knew that they had to be involved and help to make a difference in the world.
I think so often we like to consider the things that church does for us as individuals, even what Jesus has done and continues to do for “me.” Certainly, we know that Jesus saved us. Certainly, we know that being at church does something for us. Yet, this Holy Spirit guidance transforms this understanding from being about “me,” to being about us, the collective Body of Christ doing Kingdom work together. It transforms our thoughts from Jesus being our personal Savior to Jesus being Lord of all.
When we consider Jesus as Lord, he guides all that we say and do – every part of our lives is led by his example, words, and actions. We can do this today because of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ Spirit, God’s Spirit, revealing to us what must be done, where, when, and how. We only need to be obedient to the guidance.
Obedience to Christ is not from a sense of duty, obligation, or even fear of something bad happening if we don’t. Obedience is the response we have to the loving relationship that we have entered into. It is a movement from head knowledge to heart fulfillment. How are you doing that in our faith journey? How are you being obedient to our Lord in your discipleship?
Always pondering,
Pastor Steve