My time away is over and boy, oh boy, am I ready to go! I’m rested up, refreshed, and renewed with Holy Spirit energy for what God has in store for us! I’m especially excited about our summer sermon series starting this coming Sunday, “Children’s Sunday School Revisited,” wherein we are going to once again hear some of the cherished Bible stories from our childhood (a list of what stories will be covered is shown in our “upcoming worship focus”).
This series came to me in reading Jesus’ words as recorded in Luke 18:15-17 – “whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will not enter it” (NRSVUE). Sometimes, I think, as adults, we all too often let our heads get in the way of our faith. We rationalize and over analyze many things, instead of trusting in the Lord to show us the way.
So, I want to invite you to come this Sunday and every Sunday in July and August with a sense of child-like wonder, trusting in the fact that while things will be different than what we are often accustomed to, the Lord is leading us to a new understanding of our faith, a new child-like discovery of what it means to be a child of the Kingdom.
Invite all your friends and family, for we are going to have great fellowship and worship. AND, don’t forget the kids, for we will have a special time during the worship service dedicated just to them.
Get ready, for God is up to something here!
Pastor Steve