Memorial Day weekend is now behind us and for many the start of the summer season brings a sense of excitement, a bustle of new activities, and a reason to be active. Unfortunately, however, this also brings a season in which many begin to miss church more often in order to participate in all those fun summer things that they have been planning and looking forward to. Yet do we ever stop to consider that just because the summer season has begun that the church has not slowed down?
Sure, Christmas and Easter are gone. They seem like distant memories at this point. Now the church finds itself in the season after Pentecost, what is often referred to as Common Time, a period of several months in which there is seemingly little excitement due to so few special days. In fact, we won’t have a special Christian celebratory day until October or November. Yet, does this mean that the church is doing nothing? Of course not!
Over the course of this month, we will have special services and guest speakers. Next month we kick off our special summer sermon series, entitled “Children’s Sunday School Revisited,” focusing on the children’s stories that we have come to know and love. Vacation Bible School is just a few weeks away. This fall we will have another special series entitled, “Forged in Fire,” looking at how God has continually been at work, forging the people of God into works of craftsmanship. And, in the midst of all this we will continue to have opportunities for fellowship meals, Bible studies, and community interaction.
Certainly, the church changes seasons, just as we find elsewhere, but I promise it doesn’t mean things slow down or ever come to a stop. So, the real question to ponder is – how will you be involved? How is God calling you to participate in the life and ministry of the Church today?
Always pondering, Pastor Steve