Pastor’s ponderings

Well, it’s that time of year.  That time in which preparations must be made for all sorts of things. Worship services must be planned for a Cooperative Parish gathering, All Saints Sunday, the change of the Christian year, Hanging of the Greens, Advent, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Community events like Oktoberfest and Trunk-or-Treat are upon us.  Paperwork must be finalized for church business taking place during Charge Conference, District Conference, and a special Annual Conference.  All these things are fast approaching!  Then we couple this with our own personal celebrations of birthdays, anniversaries, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  There is so much to do in what seems like so little time.  How will we ever get it all done!  For many these next few months are a dreaded time of hustle and bustle, never-ending activity which we wish was more spread out throughout the year.  After all, we just came off of hectic summer schedules and now there is even more to do!

            It is during times such as these, while the pace is quickly accelerating, that I find I must be even more intentional about slowing down, about changing my focus from all the busy-ness and what must be done to handle it, to the reason why we are doing it in the first place.  In Isaiah 40:3 we hear the words: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God” (NRSV).  In the midst of the wilderness of this season, our purpose is singular – that all may see God’s glory in the midst of it. We are called in the midst of chaos, to prepare the way for others to experience the Divine.

            Now, we certainly can’t do that in the midst of our own chaos and confusion, can we?  We have to be intentional about why we are doing what we are doing, and ensuring that the end result is about the Almighty.  After all, this time is about celebrating, giving thanks, and the advent of Christ during a time of darkness.  So, I wonder, how might you be more intentional about your preparations in the coming weeks?  How is God calling you to slow down and see The Light at the end of the tunnel?  How might what you do in the days ahead pave the way for our Lord’s presence in someone else’s life?

                                                Always pondering,                                                  Pastor Steve

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