Pastor’s ponderings

What a wild week this has been!  In conjunction with our ministry partners at Waverly Congregational Christian Church, we held Vacation Bible School, to which 17 children attended.  The theme was Adventure Island, which had us all on a quest for God’s Great Light. And what a quest it was!  They made crafts, sang songs, had recreation time, and heard a Bible lesson from the Lighthouse Keeper (our own Charlene Pope).

But something happened this week that, for me, topped off all of the other experiences.  On Monday night, the kids’ recreation activity was to bust open a pinata full of candy.  Of course, they really enjoyed that, but what stood out the most was what happened when they all returned to the sanctuary for closing.  As they sat down, they began exchanging candy with one another and giving candy to the adults who didn’t get any.  The first thoughts out of their hearts were to share what they had with others, not keep it all for themselves.  What a lesson for us adults!

How can you share what you received from the Lord today?

                                                          Always pondering,

                                                          Pastor Steve

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