This coming Sunday is Trinity Sunday. Do you really know what that means? What is the Trinity and why is it important to our churches? The below article may be of some help.
What is Trinity Sunday? By Jacqui King
Jacqui King is the pastor of First United Methodist Church in College Station, TX.
The first Sunday after Pentecost is the Festival of the Holy Trinity. On this day, the church rejoices in the impenetrable mystery that God is triune (three-in-one) — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. How the Lord can be one God in three distinct persons is completely beyond the ability of any human to understand. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Christians accept this incomprehensible mystery as a fundamental article of faith.
How God can be one God in three Persons is a mystery. While it is clearly taught in the Bible (for example, in Matthew 28:18-20 and 2 Corinthians 13:14), it can never be understood or rationalized — it can only be accepted by faith. Since faith comes only through the Holy Spirit working through the means of grace, it is appropriate that this glorious mystery is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost, the great festival of the coming of the Holy Spirit.
So what does this mean for your faith? How do you connect with the Three-In-One and One-In-Three God that we worship and serve?
Always pondering,
Pastor Steve