Pastor’s ponderings

This week I sat through four solid hours of interviews.  No, I wasn’t interviewing someone for school or a job position.  Instead, it was I that was being interviewed.  On Tuesday morning I sat before a panel of clergy and laity that are a part of the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry.  They were tasked with checking on my ability to convey my thoughts about how God is working in my life and how easily I can explain a multitude of theological matters.  This is the final requirement toward being commissioned as a provisional member of the Conference, which is the next step toward ordination and full membership as an Elder in The United Methodist Church.

            By the time you read this, I will have found out the results of those interviews, whether I passed or was continued (asked to further study and practice in some specific areas and re-apply next year), but as I write this article, I have no idea what is happening.  For some candidates the interviews took place on Monday morning or afternoon.  My interviews were on Tuesday morning, some of the very last that took place.  We then were told that we would be contacted late Thursday or early Friday with notification as to our next steps.

            Ordinarily I would be a big bundle of nerves while I waited, but, if ministry has taught me any big lessons, patience is definitely one of them.  Things don’t always happen in our time, do they?  While we wait a period of days for results, we have to do so with patience.  I could certainly let the anxiety of the time get to me, but is that worth it?  What will happen will happen.  If I pass, great.  If not, I will learn in what areas I still must grow, which in itself is a blessing.  So, until that time comes, I think I’m just going to keep on pondering the old Bobby McFerrin song, “Don’t worry, be happy.”

                                                                                                Pastor Steve

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

(Philippians 4:6-7, NRSV)

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