Pastor’s ponderings

Two days ago, I did something that I haven’t been able to do in a very long time – simply take a walk.  Wednesday, we began our new community ministry, “A Walk in the Park with God.”  It was a challenging time, as it had been so long since I have been able to dedicate time to my physical fitness.  Yet, I also found that it was a surprising time as well.

            The first surprise came when my wife arrived with our dog.  I had just seen them a short time earlier, and she had made no mention of driving down to join us on this walk.  Yet, what a blessing it was for them to join with me on this endeavor.  Our schedules all too often find us not being able to participate in events together, so it was good that we could at least spend this time with one another.

            The second surprise came when 10 o’clock arrived and my family were the only ones there.  So many I had encountered in the preceding days had told me that they wanted to participate, but unfortunately something came up last minute and I was advised that they could not attend (but hoped to the following week).  When situations like this arrive, it seems that all too often, many would say, OK, nobody is here, guess we’ll just pack up and head home.  Yet, we chose not to take that mindset.  Instead, we started walking anyway.  God called us to do so at this appointed time and place, and so that’s what we did.  After all, where two or three are gathered, there He is also, Amen?

            The next surprise happened part way into our walk.  We were a couple of laps in, when here comes another couple to join us!  Sure, they were running late (which happens to us all at some time or another, doesn’t it?), but they were there and ready to hike, joining with us as we put one foot in front of the other and kept right on going along with rocky trails.

            The final surprise happened after a few more laps.  We had established a goal of one-mile for this event, which my wife and I concluded.  Yet, as we did so, the other couple still had some a little further to go to meet the goal.  So, what were we to do?  My wife and I (and our dog) could have simply stopped, saying that we had done what we set out to do for the day, OR we could keep on going, taking the extra steps, perhaps even going the extra mile!  Of course, we continued on; we kept walking right along with the others.  And you know what?  It didn’t hurt one bit!  I actually enjoyed it!

            So, here’s to celebrating how God can often surprise us.  Here’s to discovering His presence in even the simplest of situations.  Here’s to taking those few extra steps. That’s the whole point of that 10am time on Wednesdays.  I pray you will be able to join us and discover God’s presence in your life.  You never know how God might surprise you!

                                    Blessings to you all,   

Pastor Steve

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